English, asked by jiwanthakur78, 8 months ago

Write a speech on the topic 'Tradition Against Modernity' in 120 - 150 words.[ It was discussed in zoom class ]​


Answered by karan511671


Here is your answer.

Tradition Against Modernity


Tradition and modernity are two terms used to express a whole range of differences between distant development stages in a society. Tradition will always refer to the ways of the past and modernity to what is happening at the moment or will soon happen. Hence, it is quite natural for elder to lean towards tradition whereas young people usually propagate modernity as the better option. The question is though - do we really have to choose?

Many would argue that we should keep to the traditional ways of living. On the other hand, you can also meet thousands who will say that the modernization is the only viable way for humanity to proceed forward. The truth is though that tradition and modernity are both extremely complex concepts and it's virtually impossible for a person to live by the rules of only one of them - balance seems to be the key.

Traditional approach represent ethics, religion, widely acceptable behavioural patterns which for many, means a lot. Young people tend to stray from this path praising the modern - liberal ways above the traditional approach. On the other hand, religion and tradition is full of ideas which are not applyable to modern societies and they cannot be fully transfered. Why? Because people live in a completely different way nowadays, they are more concious and well-educated. At the same time, some of the modernists go so far in their struggle for "the new" that they produce ridiculous ideas. They might seem interesting but they are not really valuable.

In my opinion, the best balance between the two is following ways of the tradition anywhere, we can apply them without compromising our beliefs - being loving, respectful, ambitious, good, friendly and so on. Adapting them to the modern tools, societies and ways of living should give you the best experience of life you can get. Being a good man at the same time seems to be as good advantage as any!

HOpe it's help you

Please mark me as Brainliest buddie

Answered by singlegirl786


Only tradition or only modernity is inadequate as a living philosophy of life. In all stages of lunar development, both tradition and modernity have played a significant role. Only tradition will bind men in chains. Only modernity will make men hollow. Therefore, it cannot be either tradition or modernity. It has to be a combination of both.

In every age a tussle between tradition and modernity goes on. What is current at a particular period is considered modem. What has gone by and is a part of the past becomes traditional. The moderns of every age have regarded the tradition as old and obsolete. Therefore tradition is considered useless to the needs and ethos of the modern times. There is., on the other hand, a generation, present at all times, who are older in age. These people are generally traditional in outlook. They champion traditionalism and criticize all that is modern.

Life is a running stream. With the passage of; time, slow but steady changes take place. The beliefs and. Attitudes -once held sacred arc modified. Sometimes they are given up altogether. Certain social norms and practices are regarded absolutely essential. But after Some years, they are found to be hollow and given up.. Human relationships undergo considerable changes.

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