English, asked by AKLAVIA, 7 months ago

Write a statement on "Sacrifice is Necessary in Struggle"​


Answered by tshani2006

There can be no progress, no achievement, without sacrifice, and a man’s worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices.” -James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

In his seminal book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki recounts a common response he gets when he asks people why they aren’t open to lucrative real estate investments.

“When I speak to people about investing in real estate, they often tell me they’re not interested in real estate because they don’t want to fix toilets.

When someone says, ‘I don’t want to fix toilets,’ they’re saying that little problems like toilets are more important than their financial freedom.”

For some, a leaky toilet is enough of a reason to never attempt to achieve their goals.

If you are not willing to sacrifice your pride, comforts, or security, you will never achieve your highest level of success.

Your level of sacrifice directly determines your level of success.

Cynics Criticize. Winners Sacrifice.

“How much you improve is up to you.” Anders Ericcson, Peak: Secrets From the New Science of Expertise

Achieving massive success requires countless leaps out of your comfort zone.

If you want to build an empire, you need to invest enormous amounts of time reading, learning, and experimenting. You can’t do that if you constantly oversleep and binge-watch Netflix.

If you want to develop a rock-hard, toned body, you need to invest enormous amounts of sweat, energy, and time working out. You can’t do that if you maintain an unhealthy, toxic diet of tempting junk food.

The individual who retorts, “I don’t want to fix toilets” at the prospect of a lucrative investment is choosing their pride and comfort instead of building potentially enormous wealth.

Their unwillingness to sacrifice their pride directly prevents them from experiencing potentially enormous wealth.

The individual who hates his job yet spends most of his free time on TV, partying, and sleeping in has only himself to blame. His level of sacrifice (very low) will always equate his level of success (very low).

On the other hand, the individual who is willing to do whatever it takes is likely to experience massive growth and success, even if they start out in the midst of the most unfortunate circumstances.

Here’s a personal example.

I started waking up at 6:00am every weekday morning to write, read, and develop my blog.

Those first few days sucked. I recall looking over at my beautiful wife snoozing gently in bed, wondering why the hell I was clutching a lukewarm cup of coffee trying to stay awake and blog at 6:20am.

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