write a story based on the clues
please don't spam ✖️ it

Hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing :)
"The Monster Under The Bed"
"No one believes me. They think I'm lying. But it's really true, a big hairy monster lives under my bed and I can prove it! ", Sara said to Emma.
" I don't know Sara, monsters don't exist."
" Oh, but they do, they do Em! I haven't been sleeping well lately because I can hear its snorts and stomach gurgles during the night."
" Well have you ever actually 'seen' the monster?"
" Not really. I haven't had the courage to look yet, but I'm sure it’s a monster under my bed, all right."
" I don't know Sara, it's really hard to believe... "
Sara sighed." It's okay Em, I don't blame you. "
" Right! I'm really sorry, but I've got to rush now, mum would go crazy if I'm late again for lunch. see you tomorrow! "
" au revoir! "
" there's a monster under my bed, and I'll prove it that it's there and I'm not going crazy... ", Sara mumbled to herself.
she slipped into her night gown, grabbed the torch lying in the dressing table, switched off the lights and climbed to the bed. she pulled her sheet to cover herself and agreed with decided ability that if she heard the monster making those scary noises again, she'll not be scared this time.
"I'll see what's under my bed!", she said, her square chin protruding out.
she couldn't sleep. minutes ticked by, but there was no sound. when at last her droopy eyelids gave way, she heard a strange screeching sound. Sara took a long, shuddering breath. she was afraid to look at the monster.
"oh it's just a horrible dream, it'll go away. a nightmare, that's it.. ", she reassured herself.
but she could still hear the sounds coming from under her bed. her heart started to pump wildly, her face grew pale and her teeth began to chatter. she was like a terrified animal, crouching to her knees, her dark eyes wild with frenzy.
she couldn't bear it anymore. "mooom! mom! help!!", she shouted at the top of her lungs.
after five minutes had passed, she could hear hurried footsteps dashing down the stairs. it wasn't long when someone opened the door.
Sara screamed, she was sure the monster had come to get her. she screamed and screamed....
"it's all right sweetie, I'm here", she could hear her mother's soothing voice.
her mother pulled down the sheet, and smiled at her. Sara opened her eyes, and smiled back. she quickly heaved a sigh of relief.
"look... un-der .. the bed..."
"you are hallucinating darling. I'm sure it was a nightmare. but I'll look under the bed, if it'll make you feel better"
her mother got down on her knees, and called out " come out, come out monster!"
What slithered out from beneath her bed was both reptilian and wolfish. The body was a long tube with small, stubby legs covered in iridescent scales. The head was hairy and doglike with a narrow snout and white canines that peeked out from a pink muzzle.
Her mother smiled just a little and started scratching between its floppy ears. It made a soft, purring sound and gradually disappeared through the open window, with a faint mewl.
Her mother shakes her head. “We’ve talked about this before, Sara. No pets! They don’t come out right.”
Sara climbed into bed glumly. “Yes, mum”
She kissed her forehead and turned out the light. Sara closed her eyes and dreamt of a leopard-spotted kitten with bat’s wings....