Write a story beginning with "I do not believe in ghosts".
So,here is your answer,dude-
I did not believe in ghosts lately,until one such incident,i kind of started believing in it.
It was a gloomy evening,and i had gone down to play.Me and my friends were talking about ghostly stuff,as it was Halloween.The talk went on for ages,until someone suggested to check out the wing,where some creepy incident had supposedly taken place.(Can't mention that,here.It was a full moon night,that day,which makes this story creepy.)So,i took the courage of saying,-"Yes,I will do it,checking out the place,i mean."Every one stared,surprised.I shrugged off their seemingly irritating expressions,and walked towards the wing(namely,K wing.)It was said that on the 13 floor,there was this incident which took place,so remembering that,i made my way towards the lift.It took ages for the lift to come down,and when it did,it opened creepily,making weird grating noises.I went inside it and punched the button for the 13th floor,and the lift generated to life.It reached the floor,and stayed still.I looked at the floor in the screen,concerned as to what was happening.I tried to wrench the gates forcibly.The gates opened,and i stepped out.There were only 2 flats remaining,as the flat where the thing had happened was broken down.I looked at the refugee area,adjoining it,and I stared,open-mouthed.The door to the refugee was opened!I wondered who opened it,as those areas are closed,unless and until there is some emergency,like for fire or something.I peeked at it,and saw that the lights were flickering.I walked inside.I suddenly saw some movement,out of the corner of my eye,and i looked towards it.That thing was gone.I blamed it to my hallucinations,and started walking towards the window,where we could see our society,like the complete view of it.Suddenly,i heard a creepy laugh,and i turned,to look behind.I gaped.What i saw was a hooded figure,completely undistinguished.I screamed,and ran towards the door and came out,panting.I dont know what that thing was,but the only thing which flashes into my mind is-A ghost.
Hope you enjoyed it!
When I was little I lived in a house that was haunted. Wait, don’t go! I know, I know, this subject is tired. The thing is I don’t even believe in ghosts. At least that is what I tell myself now, but back then I’m telling you that house was haunted.
We moved there when I was in first grade and the first time I saw it, I started crying. Something about the house just seemed wrong. It was “pretty”, but it gave me a really ugly feeling.
All sorts of weird, creepy, and inexplicable things would happen there. We had three dogs when we lived there, two of them ran away, and one went crazy and couldn’t live with us anymore. We had rabbits and they all died. We stopped getting pets.
The toilet would flush itself.