English, asked by armman8371, 1 year ago

Write a story beginning with Last night suddenly it started raining


Answered by shreyasabale
Last night suddenly it started raining and all through the house there was not a peep; there was only the pitter-patter of rain drops on the roof. And inside the house was a little girl with her teddy bear, who was all alone. However, this little girl was always alone and all becuase of one fatal night.
The whole family; Mum, Dad, brother and the little girl. Had decided they would go for a long drive and have a picnic and all becuase the weather forecast said 'that it would be a nice and sunny day'. So the family packed up and drove for over an hour. The four family members were having a wonderful time, when all of a sudden it starts pouring rain. Everyone ran to the car and the little girl's Dad said 'that it would be best if they went home'.
The family was driving and singing songs. When suddenly the car swerved out of control. Everyone was screaming and then BANG!!! the car crashed over a bridge. A few hours later the little girl gained consciousness and looked around to find blood everywhere and nobody moving. She screamed for as long as she could, but nobody could hear her. She jumped out of the car and ran all the way home in the pouring rain, all the while seeing the gruesome images of her family's bodies in her head.
A few weeks later and no one came to the house to check on the little girl, everyone thought she died with the rest of her family. But they were wrong. She sits at the window staring out at the rain, thinking of that rainy day. When all of a sudden there is a BANG!!! Coming from her parents' bedroom. The little girl gets up to investigate what the noise was.
As she walks into the room and looks around she can see nothing out of the ordinary. But as she looks near the bed again she is startled to see a ghost. As it starts to come towards her, she runs screaming out of the room and down the stairs. She runs into the kitchen but the ghost still follows her. Everywhere she ran the ghost was right behind her. Eventually she got to her bedroom, where she hid in the closet with her toys. She stayed in there for what seemed like hours. Just as she was about to get up and open the door, it opened to reveal not one but three ghosts. The little girl was terrified, she reached behind her and grabbed a toy rabbit and threw it at the ghost that was closest. As the ghosts were all distracted she ran out of the closet and into the lounge room.
She turned around and saw the three ghosts coming towards her. She started backing up way from the ghosts. Then all of a sudden she was on the floor and something was dripping onto the rug beside her. She had tripped and hit her head on the cofee table, whichnow made her head bleed and drip onto the carpet.
As the little girl slowly died from blood loses, she watched as the ghosts lsowly faded away.
Nobody knows what happened to the little girl after she died. Some say the ghosts took her others say theneighbours found her. But one thing is certain, nobody has entered the house sine then.
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