English, asked by Aaryan961, 5 months ago

Write a story composition in 300-350 words of class 9th ICSE project

Any topic you like.....

No spam or else reported

Only ICSE plz.....

Correct answer = Brainiest

300-350 words compulsory​


Answered by prithvisingh030407


In a certain village lived a farmer and his only son. The SON was a thief who goes about stealing from people’s homes. He continued this wicked lifestyle till the day his cup got filled. He stole heavy some of money from the richest man in their village, that day he didn’t escape successfully as he used to. The farmer involved the police immediately he found out that his money was missing and the police started investigating, and finally they found out that the boy stole the money so they sent him to prison.

After some months, it was time for farming and the farmer was already old and weak and can’t dig the ground anymore so the old farmer wrote this letter to his son in prison. "Son, this year I will not plant cassava and yam because I can't dig the field, I know if you were here you would have helped me".

The son was really touched by his father’s letter so he thought a plan, and replied his father "Dad don't even think of digging the field because that's where I buried the money I stole".

The POLICEMEN on reading this letter went early in the morning and dug the whole field in search of the money but nothing was found.

The next day the son wrote his father again "Dad you can now plant your cassava and yam this is the best I can do from here."

Dad replied "My son, you are too powerful indeed, even in prison you still command policemen to work for me. I was so surprised to see the IGP and his team holding hoes and shovels, digging my farm. I will write to you when I want to harvest."


hope it helps you

please mark my answer as brainliest

Answered by jyotigupta64


The story begins about two months ago when I had just given the final exams for my BCA degree. I would become a graduate in about two months’ time, when the results would be declared. After this, my father wanted me to take over running of our family’s computer sales and service showroom, as he was keeping indifferent health. My birthday was falling two days after the last paper of my exam was scheduled.

For a few weeks I had been admiring a new model of a Royal Enfield Bullet bike in a dealer’s showroom. I had told my father that it was all I wanted for my 21st birthday. On the morning of my birthday, my father called me into his office in the computer showroom.He first wished me a happy birthday and then told me how much he loved me. He opened his desk drawer, brought out a gift wrapped rectangular box and presented it to me. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, I opened the box and found a leather-bound Bhagwad Gita in it. I got very angry at him, so I blurted out, “With all your money, you gave me such a book?” Then I decided to leave my home (my mother had passed away two years ago and I had no siblings) and stormed out of the house, leaving the gift on his desk. went to live with one of my close friends who was working and staying in an independent flat. I started looking for a job while awaiting my result. However, after a month, I got the information that my father had suffered a heart attack and was hospitalised. I rushed to the hospital, but it was too late. He had passed away.Soon our family lawyer phoned and told me that in his will my father had left me all his possessions, including ownership of our computer business. With a heavy heart, I went through his papers and soon found the Bhagwad Gita he had given me. It was still gift-wrapped. In tears, I opened the packing and began to turn the pages. Suddenly a key taped to a small envelope dropped from the book. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the same dealer in whose showroom I had seen the bike I wanted. On the tag was the date of my birthday and the words ‘Paid in full’.

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