English, asked by KanakDubey55555, 1 year ago

Write a
story from a different viewpoint
Boy story can de narrated from a different viewpoint. Imagine you are Laurie. Write how
you became trends with jo. You can write about
the loneliness in your grandfather's house
how you always envied the March sisters because they had one another
how you always longed to play with them.
how one day jo threw a snowball at you and later visited you.
how you got along with jo​


Answered by zaryabliaqat123


Jo march

Study Guide

Jo March in Little Women

By Louisa May Alcott

Jo March

(Click the character infographic to download.)

When we first meet Jo March, she's a tomboyish, hot-tempered, geeky fifteen-year-old girl. She loves activity and can't bear to be left on the sidelines; it drives her crazy that she can't go and fight in the Civil War alongside her father, who has volunteered as a chaplain. Instead, Jo has to stay at home and try to reconcile herself to a nineteenth-century woman's place in the domestic sphere, which is extremely difficult for her. You can hear the trouble in her name – she's called Josephine, a feminine name, but she goes by the more masculine-sounding Jo. She's clumsy, blunt, opinionated, and jolly. Her behavior is often most unladylike – she swears (mildly), burns her dress while warming herself at the fire, spills things on her only gloves, and barely tolerates her cranky old Aunt March. She's so boyish that Mr. March has referred to her as his "son JO" in the past, and her best friend Laurie sometimes calls her "my dear fellow."


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