English, asked by guptakhushi8268, 1 year ago

Write a Story, in 120- 150 words, from the Outline given below. Give a suitable title to the story. A bee falls into a stream — a dove flies past — drops a leaf into the river — the bee climbs on it — escapes — a hunter aims at the dove — the bee stings the hunter — misses the aim — the dove is saved — moral.


Answered by vc500720


Once upon a time, a bee fell into a stream. She was screaming for help to save herself from drowning. Suddenly, a dove flying past the river saw her and he dropped a leaf into the river. Leaf being a light object floated on the river and bee climbed over the leaf and got saved and escaped.

On another day, a hunter aimed at the dove and was going to hit him. The bee saw him and thought of helping the dove. She stung the hunter and he missed the aim because of pain. Eventually the dove is saved. He thanked her for saving his life and they became friends forever.

Answered by vatikasingh79


The Bee and the Dove "Kindness never goes unrewarded" is an often-quoted proverb. It means if we

help others in their difficulties, they will help us in our difficulties. If we do good to others, they will do

good for us. There is a famous story to illustrate the truth of this proverb.

It was a pleasant morning, though the sky was overcast with clouds. A bee was busy flying flower to

flower, collecting nectar to take back to the hive, where the young babies, as well as, the queen bee

was waiting to be fed. Though it would have preferred sunny weather, summertime is supposed to be a

period of hectic activity and the cloudy sky was no deterrent for a bee to take an off from work. Enough

nectar had to be collected and stored as honey to last them throughout the long winter. Suddenly, there

was such a gust of wind that dropped it (the bee) into the stream below. A dove was sitting in her nest,

who had noticed the event. It was compassionate and helpful by nature. It dropped a leaf that floated

close enough to bee, so as to be convenient for the insect to climb on to it. The bee was grateful and

flapped its wings vigorously to dry them. The bee thanked the dove for saving its life. They became

friends. After a few days, the dove was sitting on the branch of a tree. A little distance away, the bee

noticed a hunter, taking an aim in the sky. He loaded his gun to shoot her down. And lo and behold !

the hunter was aiming at the dove that had saved it just a while ago. The bee that was flying here and

there happened to see all that. At once, the bee darted towards the hunter and stung him on the hand

just in time that he missed his mark. The dove flew away with the bang of the gun and saved her life.

Thus she received the reward of her noble deed done to the bee.

Moral: A well-done returns in the form of good fortune in a numerable way

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