English, asked by redchampion48, 11 months ago

Write a story in 200 words ending with _ _ he touched his guru's feet and asked for an apology


Answered by Narmeen2004
once there lived a deciple with his guru in a far away town.he was an orphan. his guru always pointed out his mistakes so the deciple was angry.they went on a trip to a nearby kingdom the king of that place wanted his kingdom to be different from others so he decided to change day into night and night into day.also everything would cost only 1 rupee even if it is a sack of rice or a bunch full of bananas.if anyone would disobey he would be put to death.the deciple and the guru stopped there to take rest.they were confused when they saw the place was empty.they took rest in an empty house.as Soon as the sun was set the people started to wakeup from sleep an do their works.the deciple and his guru were amazed to see the idotic things. the deciple and the guru just had a feast because of cheap food. guru decided to leave because he thought the place was not secure but the deciple needed only food so he didn't obey and didn't go with the guru.one night a theif tried to do a theft but as everyone was awake he got scared and in hurry he slipped and fell in a well and lost his life.his brother took the advantage and went to the king and asked for justice by killing the owner of the well.but the owner was too thin to fit so the guards were ordered to find a man fat enough to fit in the equipment. the deciple was caught as he was gone fat because of eating so much food. he prayed for mercy to guru by superstitious means .he was fled by the guru from the jail.the deciple touched his guru's feet and asked for an apology.
hope it helps...
please mark brainliest if useful...

Narmeen2004: hiya
Narmeen2004: please mark as brainliest if useful
Narmeen2004: u can report if u want to mark as brainliest
Answered by seemasharma3004

Here's the answer....

once upon a time there was a forest and only one family used to live there . They had a very talented child . They want to send him school but whenever they talked about school he used to run away . Whoever comes to teach him he used to scare them or broke their things . By this nobody wants to teach him. His parents started to be worried about him.

Once there arrived a great guru and assure his parents that he would teach their kid . they became very happy. The guru has failed every act of that child and the child started to obey him. Once the guru asked him to make a doll with clay . He followed the order of guru and made a doll . When the guru returned he appreciate the child and the child became happy . But then something accourd that he has never thought . The guru broked his doll . The child asked the guru that why he did it , so he answered to show you how it feels when someone broke something very precious to you. Now the kid understood his mistake . The touched the feel of guru and apologized before him.

Hope it helps u ......

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