English, asked by JustHOney, 17 days ago

Write a story in about 150-200 words using the out lines given
below : Add a title to it.

Twelve fools start on a journey _ cross a river _ count themselves _ each not counting himself _ counts eleven _ a passerby offers to produce the lost man _ gives each fool a blow _ counts twelve . ​


Answered by Anonymous


Once twelve fools set on a journey. On their way, they came across a river. Since there was no other alternative, they had to cross the river. After crossing the river, they counted themselves. But they got troubled to find one man lost. One by one, every fool counted the others but always forgot to count himself. So they thought that they were left, eleven in number. They suspected that one of them might have drowned in the river. Meanwhile one man was passing from there. Seeing them troubled, that passer-by offered his help to them. He started counting them and gave each a blow on the back. The fools counted twelve strokes. It made them fully satisfied. Moral : Foollishness is a threat to life.




  • Title :- A journey of Twelve Fools

Once upon a time, there was a village which was lagging behind in the field of education and most of the villagers even didn't know how to write their names. In the same village, there lived twelve intimate friends. They were naive and fool because they were not influenced by education. One day, they decided to go to visit a mela which was held in another village. As decided, they start their journey. On their way, they had to cross a river. Once they reached the bank of the river, all of them started to think about how to cross the river. Then one of them said that they had to swim and cross the river. All of them jumped into the river and began to swim. After twenty minutes, they crossed the river and sat on the bank of the river for relaxation.

At that time, Rohan, one of the friends said, "Friends, as we have crossed the river, we should count us. I am feeling that something is wrong". Then, Raja, one of the said, "Let me count. One, two, three, . . . . ., Eleven. Oh no! Something is really wrong. We are only eleven members now. One is missing from us." They all became tensed. Like Raja, all of the twelve friends started counting but each time they got eleven because each one didn't count himself. They panicked and began to cry.

In the mean time, a man was passing through that place. Seeing the friends crying there, he came towards them and asked the reason of their sadness. Raja described everything and all of them requested the man to bring back the lost one. When they were requesting the man to bring back their lost friend, the man had already counted them silently and found twelve. So, he got to know that they were fools. As all of them were requesting him, he readily said, "I'll bring the lost person back, but for this I'll kick each one of you for one time". All of the twelve fools agreed. The man started to kick them and counted the kicks. Finally the fools found twelve persons and became very happy. Thereafter, they thanked the man and went away towards the mela.

  • Moral :- Everybody tries to take chance at one's foolishness.
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