write a story in about eighty words using the following hints: two friends passing through a forest ― a bear came ― one friend climbed a tree ― the other friend could not climb the tree ― helpless ― lay down like a dead man ― bear came near the man ― thought he was dead ― went away
The story is written in explanation.
Two friend passed through a forest. All of a sudden a bear came in front of them. One of the friend climbed the tree. The other friend could not climb the tree and he was left helpless. He laid down like a dead man. The bear came near the man and though he was dead. Hence, the bear went away.
To know more:
1. https://brainly.in/question/3347816
I want summary of novel story of my life class 10 by here keller
2. https://brainly.in/question/2257246
Write a short story based on the following hints. Give your story a suitable title. Hints :- Priya .........14 years old ......domestic help ......... excellent singer ........ natural singer ........... would often sing while at work ........one day a visitor noticed her sing ........ made a video of her song ........ Uploaded it on you tube ......... video become viral ......... Priya becomes a singing sensation overnight.
hope this is helpful.....
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