write a story it was the winter of 2003 . l was sitting in the garden basking in the Sun and sipping tea when .......
l was sitting in the garden basking in the Sun and sipping tea when I saw an old woman searching for something and asking people about something. I felt very curious about this. First of all, I examined her for some time then I decided to go out to see what the matter was all about. I asked her about the matter. She came up to me with a photograph of a young man who was her son. She told that her son has left the village and came up in the city in search of some job. She said that he had given the address but she was left confused with the same type of colonies all over in the city. I asked her if she had any contact number of her son. She gave me a number. I called and asked her son to take her from there. He came and took his mother along with him. I felt very happy that early in the morning I've helped someone needy.