English, asked by aishowrya, 1 year ago

Write a story on any topic.

Content quality answer needed :) no plagiarism!


Answered by HappiestWriter012
[ Title :- Scientist turns her friend a ring for her father ]

Once there lived a shop keeper, who wanted to become one of the famous person in the town. He always wanted to be famous, but never cared for anyone in the town .

A woman named Vaishnave walks by his shop and observes him . The next day, She goes inside the shop and buys some dolls. Later she pays him and comes away from the shop.

While she was shopping ,she loses a diamond ring inside. The shopkeeper sees it and picks it and drops it in his pocket. As soon as he went home that day, there was a sudden voice. He couldn't identify the source.

But the voice sounded Like " Why did you steal me ? Why did you make me away from my friend " .He then identified it as the sound from the ring. He says to the ring " You are mine now, because I found you " . The ring looks like it obeys him.

It observes him that he always want to be famous. The next day, when he woke up Ring asks him " please give me to my master, if you promise to return me, I will give you a boon . He says make me famous.

"He starts on his way to the shop, He comes across a weaver, The ring shouts " this man is the one who stole a ring of a woman " . It shouts everytime, he come across someone. Later everyone known the shop keeper as a thief.

The shop keeper realised that this is not how he wanted to be famous. He returns the ring to Vaishnave and says sorry to her. She says that she left the ring purposeful in the shop . She explains him that by doing good deeds, one can become famous .

Later, He gets to know that Vaishnave was his Only daughter whom he lost at her childhood in a busy market. Also, She explains that she is a scientist , Praneeth also a scientist , became a ring to make the shopkeeper learn the good things.

This way, Shopkeeper learns to get famous by doing things. Later, The shopkeeper became famous not only for his deeds but also for the story of Scientist turns his friend a ring.

Let us all do good deeds, so that God bless us and be with us! Amen!
Answered by SUCCESS123


The swings went up the sky and came down to the earth. Again it went up and down it came. Again and again and again! Rohan and Rani loved coming to their Grandpa's house.
Grandpa came to them with a beaming smile.
They sat under the mango tree and Grandpa began, "Well children, this mango tree on which I tried the swings for you, was the first plant that I planted on this farm. I dug a pit in the soil and planted the sapling. I watered it everyday and watched it grow."

"Slowly its roots went deep into the soil and its trunk became strong. Then many branches grew and there were lots of leaves. As the years went by, it grew into a big tree. The birds sat on the trees and chirped merrily. The workers rested under its shade in the hot afternoons.Your mother, aunts and uncles played under this mango tree."

"And one fine day, many years ago, I saw the first mango on this mango tree. I was excited and I came every day to look at the first manho. Then I saw another mango and another and another. I looked up and saw that the trees was full of mangoes. That year I got hundreds of sweet mangoes from my mango tree. I hugged my mango tree and said, "Thank you for the sweet mangoes." After that, every year this dear mango tree has given me sweet mangoes."

Hard work has its own reward
Earth provudes enough to satisfy every person's needs, but not every person's greed.

Also, I have given some guidelines for writing stories on any topic here which will help you write a story when asked during exams



Hope it helps! ♥
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