English, asked by JVanshika, 7 months ago

Write a story on "Birds of a feather flock together."​


Answered by Angel222333


Literally, the proverb talks about birds. It is common to see large groups of birds flying together. They feed, move and flock together. We cannot see a sparrow in the group of pigeons. Similarly, there are no flying birds amidst the water birds. You cannot see an eagle with a flock of ducks. What this means is that those of the same kind will flock together. You cannot force a different bird into the same-bird group. It will not fit it. This is similar to humans. People join and accompany the friendship of those in their same character. You cannot have a friendship with someone completely different in character with you.

Similarly, when birds fly away to long distances, they go in flocks. This is because, only with their species, they can be comfortable and travel. This is how humans also act. Those with similar habits and interests form friendships and associate with each another. They might not feel comfortable with others of the different character. So, in order to have lasting friendships, you have to choose people having similar character and outlooks. Only then you can accompany them in the long-run.

The proverb also has a deeper meaning. A man’s character can be determined by the company he keeps. A wicked person will be seen in the company of wicked. A religious person cannot be found in the group of drunkards. Moreover, when you are accompanying with refined men, you are sure to become refined as well. Likewise, a character of a man is enhanced by the friendships he forms.

Thus, the proverb is a metaphorical phrase, stating human character with that of birds. Just as birds, people of the same kind accompany each other.

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