write a story on overcoming fear
Yesterday, I saw a big gnarly black spider crawling in my car as I parked. I went into fear mode right away and swiped at the spider. It disappeared, so I thought I had gotten rid of it. Little did I know what was to come...
When I got back into my car and started driving, the spider crawled out of the dashboard and stared at me with its eight beady eyes! I caught my breath and pulled over as soon as I could.
As I tried to flick it out of my car again, it kept evading me, so I got out of my car and realized there must be a better approach.
Recently, I've been reflecting on how my fear, specifically my fear of death has been holding me back from the most expansive dreams that I had
ways to fight your fears
Take time out. It's impossible to think clearly when you're flooded with fear or anxiety. ...
Breathe through panic. ...
Face your fears. ...
Imagine the worst. ...
Look at the evidence. ...
Don't try to be perfect. ...
Visualise a happy place. ...
Talk about it.