English, asked by israrbaba54, 6 months ago

write a story on the following topic : A frightening ​


Answered by supernikhilnegi




A cold dark night suddenly fills up with sounds and shadows that threaten to overpower ...

It was a cold winter night and I was sleeping in my warm and cosy bed. My cousins had come to stay with me at my house. The sound of thunder could be heard in the distance, but getting closer by each passing minute.

I woke up and saw that my cousins were not sleeping in the spare beds in my room. They were gone! I had a thousand questions in my mind, ‘Where were they? Had someone kidnapped them?’

This filled me with fright. I wondered if I should go and tell my parents, then decided to check downstairs first to see if they were playing tricks with me or trying to pull my leg? I stepped out of the room and decided to go downstairs to investigate.

Answered by ashmi0903

A very frightening experience

I'm a simple girl leading a simple life. I just love movies and biriyani like anything. By the way, Do you believe in ghosts ? I never believed in them but a frightening incident changed my whole viewpoint about ghosts. Let me tell you my story - It was a normal night and I was laying on my bed trying to get some sleep. I just wasn't able to sleep, and I didn't understand why ? Suddenly, All the phones in my house started to ring (Sorry if I forgot to mention but I was home alone that night). I got quite scared. I proceeded to pick up one phone, and suddenly all the phones stopped ringing. That was weird. I went to my bed and tried to sleep when I heard someone calling me, But who was it ? Since I was home alone, who could have called out my name ?? I got really scared and just hid under my blanket on the bed. I put some head phones on and listened to some music on my phone and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that I was all the way down on my sofa, whereas I slept on my bed the previous night. How was it possible ? How did I go all the way from my bed to the sofa in the hall ? This was a really frightening experience and will always make me question about ghosts. Well, That was my story. Now I have to go and do my schools homework. Byeeeee !!

Hope this answer helps, And yes this answer has not been copied from anywhere and is an original story.

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