write a story on the making of a scientist (dreams and dedication are a powerful combination) for cbse story telling competition. pls pls pls help me urgent!!!
Life achievements are mostly as a result of dedication to dreams. Dreams don't just come to pass overnight, it is usually continuous and persistent effort made towards a plan.
On the path to achieving any dreams, there are four major things to take note and work solidly upon. They go by the acronym SWOT meaning Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats.
Strength: In achieving your dreams, it is necessary that you have a plan. A plan is the step by step breakdown of how to achieve your dream and make it become a reality. When you set out to execute these plans, you will need to identify your strength. Identifying your strength helps you to understand more about you, where you can take up tasks within your plan and where to outsource and invite others to help execute your plan. When you identify your strength and use it to your advantage, your dreams come true in no time.
Weaknesses: There is no perfect human, as such you cannot be everything at the same time. Therefore, during the process of executing your dreams you will need to identify your weaknesses. Identifying your weaknesses will help you to be able to effectively engage within your plan, know where to improve upon and what needs to be learnt to ensure the fulfillment your dreams.
Opportunity: You need to be able to identify potentials and opportunities when you come across them. Opportunity is not something that always shine itself in your face begging for attention. It usually comes in disguise, parading itself as dirt, hidden in the mud. You have to explore and utilize your unique ability to make sure it's not missed. Take note of your environment, it's mostly around you.
Threat: To every dream, there's always a threat. You'll always encounter obstacles in executing your dreams. Include the possibility in your plan, that will give you chance to deal with it head-on if it manifest itself during the process. Take care of all threats and deliver your plan in an unfamiliar style that will make your dreams stand out when it eventually come to pass.
In conclusion, be careful as you grow, plans may fail, keep your dreams.
Hopes and dreams, do we live them, can we live them? When results are not forthcoming, then what? Time passes that can never be reclaimed. Forever forge forward with discipline and refrain from looking back with forlorn longing or doubt. Life evolves, as we evolve. A place of comfort is not where adventure is made.
The long, convoluted journey that is life, leads inexorably to that final point. We are given but limited time, ours is to weave the grandest story possible in the time allotted to us while we strut the boards. Greatness is not a destination, but the unending journey of many steps. Each one of those steps must be of purpose and conviction, dedication, impeccable.
There is a pearl of wisdom, which I have written out and affixed to my wall.
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
These are the little steps in the unending journey of greatness.
When I write greatness, I do not mean narcissism, nor public acclaim or applause, I mean living the dream. It takes dedication.
This all sounds lofty and austere, the realms of the Gods, where only the Ubermensch, the heroes do great deeds. Not so. The narrative includes being human, having weak moments and failures. But the knack is, to find that discipline to stand up again, gingerly brush clean our bloodied knees and start over again, or rather continue.
The master has failed more than the student has ever tried.
With the deaths of great artists this past year, such as Bowie and Prince, I started pondering, what made them consummate performers they were. Not everything they produced was a hit. Rather, it was their consistent persistence, their driving passion, their dedication, to produce their art, live their dream that made them great.
Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination.