Write a story on which there was a tree and a little boy
Then one day the boys stop coming to the tree because he was grown up and he started to do a job of farming in a rich person 's house...then again one day his landlord rusticated him becoz he did not do his work properly then he visited the tree again and the tree said to that boy who was now grown up into a young man come my boy come my boy play with me swing on my branches then the boy replied that I am too grown up to play with u I want some money.... that tree said that I have no money I only have leave branches and fruits.. you can take my fruit and sell them in the market to get some money then the boy took off the fruits and sold them in the market and enjoyed.After after many years he returned to the tree again when the tree was too old and had nothing more than bark and branches and the tree said come by boy play with me but the boy was now a man he said I am too grown up to play with you I need some money the tree replied that my boy I don't have money I have only my bark and branches left with me you can cut me and sell in the market to get money the boy cut the tree and sold it in the market and got money.... no of the many years the boy return to the tree but the boy was not a boy he was no grown up into an old person while walking through the forest he was too much tired and he reached to the tree then the tree said to him that come my play with me but the man said I am much older to play with you and I am tired too the tree said I have nothing to give you then the man replied I don't want much I just want a place to set and rest then he sat on the smallest part of the tree that was left...
MORAL-in this story the tree is concederd as mother and the boy his son the mother give everything to the child but in return the child gave nothing to the mother...