English, asked by piraveen18123, 16 hours ago

Write a story on your own (150 words) using passive form of verbs.


Answered by vnalawade218


I woke up around 8:30 am in themorning yesterday.When I looked at the clock I said " Oh,I am getting late for the Yoga class andmy teacher is going to punish me forthis".It wasn't the first time for me to be latefor the class and my teacher would getangry with me just because of the samereason: coming late to the class.Anyway, I brushed my teeth and puton my clothes immediately and went tocatch my bus.As soon I reached there I was shockedto see that the bus had already lefttaking all the passengers from the busstop.I sat on the bench and I was veryworried. I had been waiting there for the nextbus for an hour, but there was no sign ofit.I felt so frustrated and disappointed,and I didn't know what to do.Just then one car stopped near me andmy friend Charlie called my name. I was very excited to see him, becausewe hadn't seen each other for the longtime.He asked me "What are you doing therealone?" I told him the whole story andrequested him to give me a ride to theYoga school.He smiled and said he would be veryhappy for that.He drove as faster as he could and wefinally reached to the schoolI handed over him my business card,which had my address and telephonenumber on it.He again smiled and waved his hand tosay good bye.

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