Write a story or description on the picture given on 300-350 words.

Child Labour is the broad term under which we can fit the attempt to rob a child of their childhood. It snatches from the child their untapped potential and only harnesses very little of the energy that the child possesses. It is harmful to the child and stunts their mental as well as physical development. It surely scars the child for life. It is an immoral practice and tampers with the development process of the child. The child is left scarred for life. The amount of emotional pressure it puts on them is unimaginable. The other children who work in the same facility are also subjected to tremendous violence and are kept in unfavorable conditions. Since they grow up looking at these atrocities, they become harmful adults too.
A large section of these child labourers is found to be of unsound mind when they grow up. Some of them may even turn out to be criminals. So the impact of living in such conditions is massive. The repercussions of being in such an environment are traumatizing, to say the least. It interferes with the proper education procedure that these children deserve to get. Their schooling is often stopped midway. Pushed into the harsh world, the child finds it difficult to cope—the forms of child labour include any form of slavery-like bonded labour and the likes of it.
Child sexual abuse also stems from such claustrophobic situations. These child labourers are often made to beg on the streets. They are trained for this in such a way that no one would be able to understand that they aren’t actually beggars. These children are out in harsh conditions and often have to work inhuman hours. They aren’t given proper food, and the payment is minimal too. Child labour has been banned in several countries. The Indian Government has time and again tried to curb the extent of child labour but all to vain. This happens mostly due to the problems that the household faces.