Write a story that ends with never will I do it again
Ram and Shyam are friend RAM is a very helpful intelligence and man and the qualities them Shyam it is interested in playing games and reading books once time Ram and Shyam will be go in in a forest he can see many things in this time tomorrow will be exam I will prepare so many things and Shyam will also for exam prepare Ram and Shyam will go to school for exam Shyam will be told to Ram that today in switch never will I do it again so is our English exam today I will prepare all things but but Ram will be not prepare he will say that he will say that
I was seventeen and my sense of invincibility is at its peak. My mother and step dad were holding me hostage in my room. I was grounded again and counting down the minutes for my step dad to leave the living room so I could sneak out. The lights are off, making my room pitch black. I’m holding my phone close to my face, attempting to use the light to apply my eyeliner. I could finally hear my step dads oversized rubber sandals squeaking on the marble floor. My pulse increases with every squeak, knowing my adventure is about to begin. I felt the adrenaline rush through my body, making me excited. I now needed to become into a ninja to leave this house. I open my bedroom door in slow motion. I could not afford the smallest sound. I glide slowly through the halls in my socks cradling my vodka bottle. The moon was glowing through the glass french doors, giving me a straight pathway towards my exit. I swiftly unlock the patio door and I start my night out.
a short story on never i will do it again