English, asked by chisomonuoha, 9 months ago

Write a story that ends with "this story will linger in my mind for a long time


Answered by itzzmeria

really soory i dont know you can search the same from google .. hope it helps ..






Answered by IndianArmy2007


My most memorable and best experiences will linger in my mind for many years to come. Every child’s dreams are like goals set out for them, some being accomplished in a way a child will never forget. For most people, horses are just animals, smelly beasts that should only be used for racing, for money. Ever since I was only a few years old, horses have been my passion. Everything I ever owned had to do with horses, including my toys and accessories. My dream was to ride a horse. When that time finally approached my anxious little life, my heart beat a thousand times a minute.

It was a warm summer day in Odessa, Ukraine, and we were at a park. I had a cold, dripping ice cream cone in my hand and nibbled on the lower part, where the waffle was. My mom was buying several things for home while I wandered around to find something that made my eyes twinkle. I spotted a figure from heaven, a four-legged beautiful animal was standing down the block, breathing heavy, probably after a serious workout. I ran up to the horse, not even knowing how to pet it, just excited to see the most beautiful creature. He was glistening white, with a braided mane and well-brushed tail. He was playing with his bit and chewed on the reins. I could tell this horse was bored. Where was the owner?

Right away I assumed that I could ride this horse. I turned the other way and went to search for my mom for some money. I couldn’t find her anywhere and began to look for her at the marketplace. I spotted her buying groceries and dragged her to where the horse was. The owner was back and stated that it was his horse and I couldn’t ride it. A warm stream of tears flooded down my cheeks as my mom tried to convince the man to let me ride the horse. He finally agreed for a costly price. He taught me how to mount the horse and explained to me that it is important to keep your heels down and your arms steady. The gentle beat of the horse’s trot awakened all the senses in me as I bounced up and down on the saddle. I was the happiest little girl in Ukraine, having the time of my life. I began planning how I was going to buy a horse after I became a millionaire. Before I knew it, the ride was over. Surprisingly, I actually learned to control the horse and change the pace.

That day was probably the happiest time of my life. Most children wouldn’t have as much fun as I did. Riding that stallion opened doors for me to get into the sport. Several years later, after coming to America, I began to get involved in show jumping. If it weren’t for that time in Ukraine, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the most amazing sport, one where you and another creature truly have to bond.

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