write a story that start with the following word in 200-250 words
There was a money lender who had more money than brain and his work has to give loans and take the money with a good amount of interest. One day...........................
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1 days he gone to a village named mathura.in that village one person ask him to give a loan and he said he will give a good amount of interest so the moneylender was very happy and excited to give the loan to the fallow man.he told I will give you a car and you will give me a loan for rupees 200 000 00he was very happy and the car was looking really expensive ones money lenders gave the loan to the fellow man but forgot to enquire the address and take the information about the car the fellowman was clever and cheated the moneylender the moneylender when the money lenders started the car the car was not starting and the fellowman did not came to give the interest and the loan amount to the money lender the money lander was really upset he got the depressed
moral of the stories do not be judge the cover n shine of anything u take make sure it is a perfect one and be sure about that thing
moral of the stories do not be judge the cover n shine of anything u take make sure it is a perfect one and be sure about that thing
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