English, asked by mrdebnathpranab, 4 months ago

write a story the greedy wife​


Answered by anitaparveen


Long long ago, there lived an old fisherman and his wife. They lived in a hut beside the sea. The fisherman used to catch fish with his net and his old wife used to make thread. Thus they were passing their life.

One day, the fisherman went to the sea with his net. He threw the net and pulled it up. But there was some mud and nothing else in the net. The second time, come up some grass. The third time, a fish was caught. It was a nice golden fish.

The fisherman was very glad to see the fish. But when he was about to touch it, it spoke out, “Oh good old man! Please, set me free and let me go. I promise, I will give you all, that you may ask for.” The fisherman was astonished. He requested the fish to make him rich to fulfill his basic needs.

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