English, asked by Pari0204, 1 year ago

Write a story using the beginning given below
Once Rohan was going somewhere. He saw an injured puppy. The puppy was probably..................................


Answered by ImNatureLover
......about to die. he felt pity ,on it. he wanted to help it in any way possible. he went to the puppy and saw its wound . it was bleeding too much. he took it in his hand and ran to take it to some place to cure. just then he saw a vet's clinic. he was too happy to see it. he went inside to ask for the help. but for his bad luck no doctor was there to help. he was now feeling angry that why nobody was there to cure the injured puppy at time of emergency. a cute puppy was dying in front of his eyes and he could not do anything instead of feeling helpless. he moved away from the clinic with disappointment. now he had to do anything. the puppy was now fainting as if about to die. he ran to his home and put the puppy on the bench.
now he had to do something . he tried searching the first aid box. this time luck was with him. he found it and took out the bandage and medicine to put on the wound. after he had done it, the puppy started gaining some strength. it looked on rohan with half opened eyes. rohan was more than happy for helping th injured. he decided to look after the puppy until it is well. for next few weeks the puppy was under his care. after some days a lady with her about 5 years old daughter came to his house. she said  that the puppy was hers. she also thanked rohan for taking care of her puppy. rohan happily gave the puppy to the lady.

ImNatureLover: finally they were arrested
ImNatureLover: we learnt from it that we should not go anywhere with strangers and should not believe them easily.
Pari0204: Please also tell the title
Pari0204: And thank you for the story
ImNatureLover: sorry even i cant think of a apt title
ImNatureLover: but i tried my best
Pari0204: No problem
Pari0204: And Thank you
ImNatureLover: you'r always welcome
ImNatureLover: would you like to be my friend
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