English, asked by ayn9, 10 months ago

write a story using the given hints and give a suitable title to the story moral also
three children collecting green mangoes near railway track---one sees a crack on sails--- hears a train coming ---sense danger ---tears his red shirt --three pieces --wave like a flag--- driver stop---accident avoided ---children rewarded


Answered by SaurabhJacob


I remember the day when three children were awarded for their brave act while being in a panic situation. I was very happy that in this cruel world, some good people still exist who does care of others as well rather than being selfish to protect their own life.

I heard their story, they were just 7-9 years boys. Three friends usually gets out of their home for outdoor games. The railway track was nearby their homes. On that particular day, when they were playing hide and seek they noticed that on the other side of the railway track there were mango trees and hence decided to collect green mangoes.

Two of them ran fast to pluck and grab those mangoes, whereas the one was having pain in his leg so ye decided to move normally and while moving he noticed the crack on sails. He then notices the sounds of vibrations coming from the track and realized that train is coming and sense the danger. He quickly informed his friends and planned to aware the danger so one teared his red shirt into three pieces to make red color flag and waved to show danger ahead.

Each of them stood at some difference before the crack and waved the flag, eventually driver noticed the danger and stopped the train and luckily a big mishappening avoided, accident avoided. Children were rewarded for their act.

Moral of the story is Learn to help others it will benefit you in future.

Presence of mind and brave heart together in a man makes him smart enough to tackle any hard situation rather than panicking.

Answered by uttamghose95

ones upon a time three children collecting green mangoes railway track

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