Write a story using : Your emotions are directly connected to the weather that your small village will experience. If you are happy its comfortable, warm ans sunny;if you're sad ,it will rain; if you're angry it can cause thunderstorms or burning of heat that can cause fires. You are not aware of this fact ,but your entire village is and will manipulate you in order to feel the emotions they need to survive.
There was a boy who lived in a small village. The village was far away from the rest of the world. It was very difficult to travel to the village. The name of the boy was Raju. He lived with his parents and his younger sister. His father was a farmer who worked as a laborer in another's field. It was his father's duty to grow the crops as he has to pay even if he was unable to grow crops. Once the crops were all set for the harvesting. Raju got scolding from his mother for not eating the dinner. As soon as he started to cry, it began to rain very heavily. As he stopped to cry, the rain stopped. The same thing happened the next day. Raju's parents were observing the fact since he was a small child but never paid much attention to it. This news started to spread like the fire in the jungle. As the villagers went tro know about this fact, they started to pamper the boy when they wanted sweet and calm weather. Whenever they wished for the rain to pour down, they would scold him. This activity became so frequent that the boy became very irritated from these. The villagers were using his emotions for their benefits. In the midnight the family of the boy moved away from the village without telling anyone. The villagers searched for them a lot but they never were seen again.