write a story which illustrates the truth of the statement''an early bird catches the worm"
"The Early Bird Gets the Worm., with an example? : If the bird comes out of the nest very early in the morning and starts flying in the open sky or green pastures, fields etc. to look for food, it has a much better chance of getting its food. food materials in sufficient quantities than birds that wander here and there, waste time on other things like playfulness, chirping and just chirping, and start foraging late. In other words, birds that set out early to find their food serve their needs well. Even with reference to human beings, the present proverb is applicable and relevant, although the choice of words here is different: "first come, first served", indicating that people will be treated in the exact order in which they arrive or apply. For example, The Caterers will provide food to guests on a first-come, first-served basis. Train travel tickets are available to migrant workers on a first-come, first-served basis.