Write a story which includes the sentence: ‘It suddenly became clear that they were not as lazy as everyone said they were.’
Laziness is a condition that a person is unable to do something, not because he or she has no ability to do it, but because of unwilling and psychologically unprepared. However, laziness should not be confused with tiredness, mental disorder or schizophrenia, although there are few similar character trait associated with each. Everybody at one time or another has experienced laziness in his or her life, though it might not be possible to notice that you are lazy since nobody wants to be associated with laziness.
they were not as lazy as
everyone said they were.’
This was a popular title and responses tended to focus on scenarios to do with school. Favourite themes
included candidates who appeared to be lazy and disinterested who gained top grades in examinations,
members of sports teams who suddenly improve their attitude to training and start winning trophies, or
individuals entering competitions with no hope of winning but surpassing everyone’s expectations of them.
The best essays were those that built up to the prescribed sentence effectively and explored the reasons for
the accusations of laziness. There were some really thoughtful and well developed plots involving voyages of
self-discovery, unrecognised family circumstances, or the effects of social deprivation. Such responses
focused on building up a sense of suspense about why the protagonists were viewed as lazy and feckless
then revealing something to explain people’s mistaken impressions of them. Many involved exploring shallow
judgements made of individuals then discovering their struggles in very difficult circumstances. Most
responses ended with the prescribed sentence which was appropriate in terms of the plot development and
structure. It was noticeable at all levels of response how well the majority of candidates integrated the given
topic sentence into their writing without any sense of awkwardne