Write a story with hints " today while returning to school I saw a communal riot broke up in delhi...""
A riot in Delhi
It was a nice Friday afternoon. I was returning from school. Suddenly I saw people running everywhere. After some time I realized that a communal riot broke up.
I took a shelter in a nearby shop. The shopkeeper was kind enough to protect me from the chaos. He was watching the TV, where I saw that the riot broke up in Delhi, Lodi Garden and spread other part of Delhi pretty fast. It is about a inter religion couple who were roaming in the garden and their orthodox parents and relatives caught them.
I was thinking how such a small issue can create a big mess. The people are fighting in the streets outside the shop don’t even know each other and I am sure don’t have any clue how the riot started.
I called my uncle, who is in police department, from the shop and he rescued me and dropped me to home.