English, asked by amikatamang472, 1 month ago

Write a story with the help of outlines given below:
(Two goats..........narrow bridge.........come from two opposite directions........both want to pass at a time..........both reach in the middleof the bridge say,"let me go first"-both get angry and fight-bothfell into river


Answered by nandananair2008


One day, two goats wanted to cross over the bridge from the opposite direction. The goats met in the middle of the bridge.  

The bridge was too narrow. There was no space or them to pass. They waited, but neither of them moved backward.  

One goat warned the other goat, "I am older and stronger than you, so go back once."  

The other refused and said, "I am stronger. You are old and will take a lot of time to cross the bridge."

Soon, their argument turned into a fight. One goat struck the other goat with his horns.  

The second goat was shocked. He knew if they continued fighting, then they would fall off the bridge and drown. He shouted out to the other goat, "Stop! If we fight, we will fall into the river and drown. Instead, I shall lie down, and you may walk over me."  

The wise goat then lay down on the bridge, and the other goat walked carefully over him.

So they finally went past each other and were on their way back home.

Answered by Chaitanya1696

We are provided with the outlines of a story that we are asked to complete. The story using the hints provided is given below:

There was a narrow bridge in the middle of a big city. There used to live two goats on either side of the bridge. They were always angry with each other as they always felt that he was superior to the other.

Once they both were crossing the road and they were in opposite directions. As both did not want to lose their superior right of crossing the bridge both of them refused to move back.

Both of them reached the middle of the road and they both wanted to be the first person to cross the bridge. Both of them started saying " Let me go first." As none of them were willing to go back they both got angry and this started a fight in the middle of the bridge.

Finally, they both fell down the bridge, and into the river, as both the goats did not know swimming they both died.

There are many morals a person can understand from the story like taking another feeling into consideration, don't get angry unnecessarily, and above all, whether human or animal learning to swim.


For more questions like the above please refer to:

1. https://brainly.in/question/43819

2. https://brainly.in/question/41143438

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