Write a story writing experience during covid19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all and caused many organisations to change the way they are working. One challenge for us has been how we continue to carry out the high standards of local engagement activity we would normally be working towards, whilst prioritising the health, safety and welfare of everyone.
Following the introduction of social distancing and in line with government and NHS England advice, we postponed all face-to-face engagement activity in March 2020. We do however recognise a continued and critical need to engage and have had a continued constructive dialogue with local people and patients throughout this time. We continue to monitor the situation in light of any new guidance which may allow us to resume more traditional forms of engagement work.
We are committed to being an organisation that delivers the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for people who live within our local communities. This means adapting to new ways of working, ensuring a local focus but with the additional benefits of support, sharing good practice and learning across the Frimley Collaborative of CCGs and the wider Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System (ICS).
We thought you may be interested to understand the ways in which we have engaged with a wide range of stakeholders (that’s those with an interest or concern in our organisation), patients, carers and the public throughout the pandemic. We have adopted a phased approach, recognising the constant need to adapt and evolve to an ever changing situation and would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in this work for their patience, time and flexibility.
ICS Community Panel Survey
Insight sessions
North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG Survey
Community Ambassadors
Innovation Conference
Community Forum
Key Projects
United Communities - Mental Health Forum
Exploring our Engagement
You said....we did
Patient Participation Groups
The Voluntary Sector
Frimley Health & Care Patient & Public Involvement.
Thank you,
Hope it helps you..if you like and my answer is crt make me as a brilliant.