English, asked by saranyasara, 10 months ago

write a summary for my father writes to my mother by assia Djebar should be in 500 words​


Answered by mismarttv94


One of the villager women actually calls her husband by his first name, and on top of it all, he sends her a postcard! I just wish that all men around here were like that. I mean, it wouldn't kill our husbands to at least address us once and awhile, and be nice enough to send us cute little postcards when they are away. I think they have a good marriage. If only all of our marriages would be like that, a lot of us would probably be happier. Not that we aren't happy now, but, we could at least be treated with a little bit more respect from him. IS THIS IT ??????


Answered by Afreenakbar

Answer:  summary for my father writes to my mother by assia Djebar should be in 500 words​ is as follow...


         summary for my father writes to my mother by assia Djebar  

In addition to all of this, her husband even sends her a postcard when one of the village women addresses him by his first name! I just wish that was how all the males around here were. It wouldn't hurt for our spouses to occasionally address us and to be considerate enough to send us little little postcards while they are abroad, after all. They seem to be a happy couple. Many of us would probably be happy if all of our marriages were like that. Although we are content right now, he ought to at least show us a little bit more respect. she recounts specific details of her childhood. She tells of her mother and father's relationship, and how it was different from other couples in the village .My Father Writes to My Mother” taken from “Fantasia, An Algerian Cavalcade” by Assia Djebar and translated by Doroty Blair, published by Quartet Books, Ltd. In 1985.Dubus focuses on two transformative experiences that affected his childhood. When his father leaves the Marines to become a writer, his life and environment change dramatically. The transformation of the author from a boy into a man is another major point of the story.A Father's Story," by Andre Dubus explores the love of a father to his daughter that he is willing to protect her even if the process calls for him to sacrifice part of himself. To protect his daughter, the father is forced to undergo challenges, a conflict of the mind and his values.InWomen of Algiers in their apartment,written in 1980, she raises the question ofwhether feminism and women’s solidarity can actually change social relations in Algeria today(Parekh and Jagne, 137). She questions how to maintain a national past while moving forwardinto the future (Best, 874).At the time of its writing, Djebar’s community was traumatized bythe Algerian War of Independence, so this was a sensitive and poignant topic for many peoplethat would read it (Best, 874).She uses not only her own personal life stories as a basis for addressing women’s issues,but also others’ stories. This is a trend in many of her works, however we can also see this inWomen of Algiers in their apartmentwhere she uses the stories of three Muslim Algerian womento show their strength and dignity throughout their lives. She intertwines the stories, in part toshow how these stories overlap and what that means for women’s rights in Algeria.She forms a“postcolonial space in which multiple fragmented voices are unified by the narrative voice”,which is Djebar herself in the case of this book (Best, 874). There are many examples ofresistance throughout the stories in this particular work. She argues that without freedom, therecan be no female sexuality at all (Best, 876). This was a radical statement for the time, especiallyfor the Muslim community and it caused tension between those who agreed and those who didnot agree with her. The stories themselves are a form of resistance, because she highlight In one of her short stories, “My Father Writes to My Mother,” she recounts specificdetails of her childhood. She tells of her mother and father’s relationship, and how it wasdifferent from other couples in the village. Culturally in her village of Cherchell, there didn’tseem to be much outward affection between a man and a woman in a relationship, but from anearly age, Djebar could tell that her parents were different. At the beginning of her childhood,they didn’t call each other by their first names, but ratherhusbandandwife.She recounts the firsttime that her father called her mother by her first name was through a letter, and it astonished theentire village.It seems as though she was proud of her parents for being different, and liked that theywere more liberated then maybe some of the other couples were. It also seems that she drew theconnection between her parent’s affection and women’s rights from that young age, although shewrote more thoroughly about it later in her life when she had time to reflect on her childhood.Another important part of the story is her witnessing of the process of her mother learning toread French, something she recognized as part of her mother’s growing rights as a woman at thetime, and quite possibly some of her inspiration during her career. OverallMy Father Writes tomy Mothergives us an understanding of how her childhood shaped her life and career throughobserving her parents.

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