English, asked by QuestionAnswer9536, 4 months ago

Write a summary on the passage given below:-

The lady librarians of the 1930s

Nan Collins shivered, wrapping her wool scarf around her neck more tightly. She adjusted the angle of her brimmed hat, tilting it to better protect her against the misty rain that seems to hover this morning in the cold mountain air.With a cluck of her tongue and a gentle nudge with her boots, she urged the horse forward. He snorted as if in protest, but Sunny Jim was a stalwart fellow who knew their route had many miles yet in front of them before they reached their destination.=Nan had been traveling this route, back and forth through the Appalachians, since she first joined the Pack Horse Library Initiative in 1936, just a year earlier. Nan loved being a librarian, and in Kentucky, where roughly a third of the population was illiterate, she felt it her duty to help as many folks as possible get access to books and reading materials.She loved reading and wanted to spread that enthusiasm to others. She especially wanted to reach the young children who would be impatiently waiting for her visits. They were as hungry for the books she carried as they often were for a square meal.Nan was one of roughly two hundred librarians, mostly women, who traveled by horseback with their packs full of books and magazines from town to town, stopping at homes, schools, post offices and general stores along the way. There they’d swap the library materials out and collect the returned books, often keeping a small “library” in the local post office or wherever there was a safe, dry place.Her next stop was the elementary school in the Pine Mountain region, where the rural residents sent their children. The school didn’t have much of a library, so it was up to Nan to provide the kinds of materials that would entertain and educate a range of students.But first she had to make it across the stream and over the next embankment. Nan raised up her long skirts and petticoat to keep them dry and gritted her teeth as the freezing water from the stream soaked her feet in the stirrups. Sunny Jim whinnied in discomfort as the cold water hit him under his chest and belly. Nan wondered if he’d refuse to continue. But the horse held steadfast and did not waiver, surging forward through the icy currents.She patted him gently on the side of his neck as they reached the other side.“There’s a good fellow, Sunny Jim. Nobody could ask for a better partner than you.”The horse nickered softly, agreeing with her assessment. Together they followed the worn path through the hills for several miles in companionable silence. The horse picked his steps carefully so as not to trip and falter on the uneven, rocky terrain.From the woods Nan heard the low moan that meant a bobcat was likely not too far off. They didn’t normally come out of the brush, but all the same, she urged her horse to go a little faster. Sunny Jim twitched his ears and complied.Finally, they reached their destination. The school was a modest one room, one-story building with a flagpole out front, the Stars and Stripes waving in the breeze. The school children were outside, eating their lunches and playing tag when they spotted her. They came running up to her and could barely wait for her to dismount before peppering her with questions.

“Miss Collins, what took so long? We’ve been waiting for you!”

“Miss, what have you brought for us? I finished the last book already!”

“Have you got any more of those Nancy Drew stories? They’re my favorite!”

Nan laughed as she reached into her deep saddlebags. The children gathered closely, eager to see what treasures she had to offer.

“You’ll have to give me some room to breathe, children! And poor Jim here is tired; can one of you fetch him a pail of water please? I could use some myself.” She wiped her brow and removed her hat, tired but happy. She looked upon the smiling faces surrounding her.

“All right, let’s see what I’ve got. First, you must turn in the books you’ve finished from my last visit, and I’ll give you something new to read. Why don’t you line up?”


Answered by rvallabhaneni05

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exception 206

receives 207

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