Social Sciences, asked by RAA1KEE, 11 months ago

Write a various methodology of agriculture that deteriorated soil in India.... Class 8 geography... No spam and wrong answers.... It will be reported.. Correct answers will be marked as brainliest and rated..


Answered by anushaBBPS

Answer:Soil degradation refers to decline in the soil’s productivity through adverse changes in nutrient status, soil

organic matter, structural attributes, and concentrations of electrolytes and toxic chemicals. Soil degradation is a

process, which lowers the current and/or future capacity of the soil to produce goods or services It has also been

defined as the rate of adverse change in soil qualities resulting in decline in productive capacity of land due to

processes induced mainly by human intervention . Thus, it implies a decline in soil’s productivity, deterioration

in vegetative cover, qualitative and quantitative decline of water resources, degradation of soils, and pollution of air.

Degradation is a point of evolution which leads to a reduction of resource potential. About 7.40 m ha arable lands

globally turn to degraded lands yearly as result of climate change and deforestation. The problem of soil degradation

has been ever since cultivation of soils started. However, it is greatly aggravated in recent decades because of

increasing population of India at the rate of about 1.8%, requiring marginal areas to be brought under the plough to

meet the growing food demand. Such marginal soils are particularly vulnerable to degradation, further lowering their

quality and overall productivity. The present paper provides a brief account of degraded and wastelands, causes,

major threats, and management options for combating soil degradation in India.

A major factor responsible for the degradation of the natural resources is soil erosion. In general, soil erosion is

more severe in mountainous than in undulating and plain areas. Inappropriate soil management, unsuited to the

location like tilling along the slope, lack of crop cover during heavy rainfall, etc. is responsible for accelerated soil

erosion with consequent loss of land productivity. According to an estimate, more than 85 M ha of TGA is subjected

to water and wind erosion. Because of different processes like slaking and dispersion, mechanisms of soil structural

collapse and degradation vary climatically and from one soil type to another


Answered by deepande88




The main causes of degradation due to direct/indirect human intervention are deforestation and removal of natural vegetation, overgrazing, converting forests to farms, cultivating steep slopes and degrading marginal lands, other agriculture- related activities and over exploitation of the vegetation for domestic ...

Soil degradation causes include agricultural, industrial, and commercial pollution; loss of arable land due to urban expansion, overgrazing, and unsustainable agricultural practices; and long-term climatic changes.


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