Social Sciences, asked by vanajagoudkanjivaram, 2 months ago

Write about 10 lines on each of the following government program a) Mission Kakatiya b) Harithaharam ​


Answered by nishaashijuu


1. Mission Kakatiya ("Our Village Our Lake") is a scheme for restoring all the minor irrigation tanks and lakes in Telangana State, India

2.This scheme aims to renovate 46,531 tanks and lakes, storing 265 TMC water across the state in five years.

3.The objective of Mission Kakatiya is to enhance the development of agriculture based income for small and marginal farmers, by accelerating the development of minor irrigation infrastructure, strengthening community based irrigation management and adopting a comprehensive programme for restoration of tanks.

4.Kakatiya mission was started on December 2014

5.The conclusion about the mission of kakatiya also the people got benefited from drinking water irrigation of Field as well as also provided livelihood.

6.Tanks have been the lifeline of Telangana owing to the state's geographical positioning. Mission Kakatiya” programme in Karimnagar.


The initiative will improve the ground water table, reduce the power consumption by farm sector, get higher yields, spur the growth of livestock and rejuvenate rural economy on the whole.

8.The hapless digging of bore wells in desperation for irrigation water by the farmers in almostthe entire Telangana area has resulted in heavy over draft of ground water every year. The overdraft and the drastic lowering of water table from thereon is the reason for the large number of failure of bore wells

9.Kakatiya helped in reviving the tanks, the program also helped in increasing the ground water level, Which resulted in an increase in gross area irrigated under tanks irrigated areas.

10.Kakatiya lead to increase in the production of cotton and jowar, and paddy too. This lead to increase in the households agriculture income by 78.5 %.

Answered by Sohanakamran

Description of each of the following government programs:

a) Mission Kakatiya:

  • Mission Kakatiya is a program introduced by the government in the state of Telangana in our country India.
  • It was the state government of Telangana.
  • It was started on 12 March in the year 2015.
  • It was started for reestablishing the minor irrigational lakes, tanks, wells, and ponds in the state of Telangana.
  • The program helped the government to recover around 40k irrigational water sources.
  • The founder of this program was the chief minister of the state K. Chandrashekhar Rao.
  • It was introduced by the ministry of irrigation of the state.
  • This program also helped the state to build up its geographic position.
  • The program had 5 phases which helped in recovering over more than 35k irrigational water bodies and the creation of new tanks and lakes.

b) Harithaharam:

  • Harithaharam was also a governmental scheme introduced in the state of Telangana by the government of the state.
  • It was also called as the Telangana Ku Haritha Haram.
  • It was established on 3rd July in the year 2015.
  • It was founded by the chief minister of the state K. Chandrashekhar Rao.
  • The government scheme was started to restore the green cover of the state.
  • It helped the state in decreasing the pollution by increasing the forest cover by 25%-35%.
  • It mainly aimed at planting more and more trees and increasing the greenery of the state of Telangana.
  • It helped the state to restore its degraded forest cover.

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