English, asked by rajakn907, 1 month ago

Write about 10 lines on sympathy in your own words?
pls write full 10 lines on sympathy​


Answered by GauriGarad


Sympathy is feeling bad for someone else because of something that has happened to them.

We often talk about it and feel sympathetic when someone has died, or something bad has happened, saying ‘Give them my sympathy’, or ‘I really feel for them’.Sympathy comes from the Greek syn, meaning with and pathos, or suffering.

Compassion is from the Latin com, meaning with, and passus, to suffer.

In other words, sympathy and compassion have exactly the same root, but in different languages.

Empathy also comes from the Greek, from en meaning in, and pathos, again for suffering. There is, therefore, a much stronger sense of experience in empathy.

Sympathy or compassion is feeling for the other person, empathy is experiencing what they experience, as if you were that person, albeit through the imagination.

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