write about 300 words on topic from streets to tweets surveying the impact of online activism please do not spam need urgently please
write about 300 words on topic from streets to tweets surveying the impact of online activism please do not spam need urgently please
Due to the shifting nature of the internet and the emergence of social media as a gen-uine source of information, many still contend that sharing posts on social media is not the same as actually protesting in the streets as part of a collective.
Despite being criticised as being ‘convenient’ or ‘lazy’ — online activism makes a significant impact. It has become an integral part of activism in the 21st century.
The atmosphere of protest that brought in the new year in January 2020 continues to hang in the air eight months later. Since March, however, the Covid-19 pandemic has seen dissent in India move, almost entirely online.
By looking at protests and dissent in India, this writeup seeks to show that despite being criticised as being ‘convenient’ or ‘lazy’, online activism makes significant impact, and has become an integral part of activism in the 21st century.
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