write about 300 words on topic from streets to tweets surveying the impact of online activism please do not spam need urgently please please answer fast
300 words 3page. dudidhdjedfkf. डब्यू डे मील का र् य न हो ने.
Digital activism is the use of electronic communication technologies such as social media, especially Twitter and Facebook, YouTube, e-mail, and podcasts for various forms of activism to enable faster communications by citizen movements and the delivery of local information to a large audience. It is the use of electronic communication technologies for cause-related fundraising, community building, lobbying, and organizing. The past few decades have given scholars a rich collection of data that can help them analyze political change, whether Latin America in 1980s and 1990s, the former Soviet Bloc after 1989, Africa since the 1990s, or the Arab Spring in 2011. It was the last transformation, however, that has galvanized researchers to assess activism and upheaval in the context of the digital age. Even though the 2011 wave was not, of course, the first time that digital tools were used, what made the Arab Spring a compelling case was that citizens had more hardware on hand than before to spread their movement. We have also witnessed how Barack Obama had won his first historic Presidential election with his canvassing through digital media; and digital activism was witnessed on the part of his voters and supporters. The Researcher, through this paper, wants to raise the question if such digital activism can be had in our country to make the masses politically aware and sensitive to the issues pressing the nation. The Researcher has the hypothesis that most people from the civil society keep themselves aloof from the political situation and this leniency on their part allows the political leaders to grow roots on their allotted ‘Chair’ and more than coming out with good policies; they give us a plethora of scams and scandals. Thus, it is believed to be high time for our youngsters to take the responsibility in their hands and make the national politically aware; and this idea can be executed better through no other medium but ‘Digital activism through social media’.