English, asked by spekytube, 3 months ago

Write About A day where u faced a Natural Disaster.

Should Be 200 word


Answered by yatindrav68


A Natural disaster is an unforeseen occurrence of an event that causes harm to society. There are many Natural disasters that damage the environment and the people living in it. Some of them are earthquakes, cyclones, floods, Tsunami, landslides, volcanic eruption, and avalanches. Spatial extent measures the degree or severity of the disaster.Levels of Disaster

Levels of DisasterThe severity or degree of damage can be further divided into three categories Small Scale Disasters: Small scale disasters are those that extend from 50 Kms. to 100 Km , So this kind of disasters does not cause much damage.

So this kind of disasters does not cause much damage.Medium-scale disasters: Medium Scale disasters extend from 100 Kms to 500 Kms. These cause more damage than a small scale disaster.

Answered by sreejitabachar4


If Natural disaster will happen the hole world will destroy ok


Don't write about it and don't ask for it once

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