write about Abacus and difference engine
AnswEr :-
✦ Abacus
↠ Abacus is a calculating tool which was used centuries before the adoption of the Arabic numeral system.
↠ It is also called a counting frame.
↠ It is made up of Wood, Metal, Rock or Bambusoideae.
↠ Its components are – Beads, Wire and a Frame.
↠ The types of calculation supported are – Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Division, Square root, Cube root.
↠ The exact origin of the abacus is still unknown.
✦ Difference Engine
↠ A Difference engine is a mechanical calculator which tabulates polynomial functions.
↠ It was first created by Charles Babbage.
↠ It was partially built during the 1820s and '30s.
↠ It operated on discrete digits and the digits were decimal (0 - 9).
↠ It was able to mechanise not just a single calculation but a whole series of calculations.
↠ It dwarfed any calculating device then in existence.