write about Eubacteria
a bacterium of a large group typically having simple cells with rigid cell walls and often flagella for movement. The group comprises the ‘true’ bacteria and cyanobacteria, as distinct from archaea.
These are commonly referred as true bacteria. They have cell wall of peptidoglycon They are found as autotrophs and heterotrophs The autotrophs can be photosynthetic like Chlorobium (Green sulphur bacteria) and Chromatium or chemosynthetic like sulphur bacteria
These are mostly multicellular filamentous forms living in fresh water. The body is covered by mucilagenous sheath. The genetic material is typical prokaryotic. Chl-a, Chl-b, carotenes and xanthothylls are the photosynthetic pigments. Filaments show heterocyst which helps in nitrogen fixation.
Heterotrophs are the most abundant. Most of them are decomposers and known for breaking down large molecules in simple molecules or minerals. They can be anaerobes helping in curdling of milk (Lactobacilli), fixation of nitrogen (Azotobacter), antibiotic production (Streptomyces), composting and degrading oil. But the story doesn't end here, some of them are pathogens i.e. causing disease
(typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, tetanus).