write about green house effect
Green-house effect is the gradual warming of the earth's atmosphere. Hence, it is known as global warming.
As, this is due to increase in the absorption of solar energy it results in bundy of Co, in atmosphere. Green plants use co, for the food material and release through the process of photosynthesis. But the situation of building up of Co, increases due to human activities as well as by deforestation.The main reasons are due to increase in the percentage of composition of
green-house gases namely methane (CH2), carbon dioxide (CO,), nitrous oxide(N2O) and chloroflourocarbons (CFCS'). The increase is due to excessive burning of fossil fuels. Aerosols is also an important reason for the cause of green-house effect. One significant measure is to reduce the burning of fossil fuels.
Carbon dioxide is a gas released by humans and animals when they breathe. Green plants need carbon dioxide and some other products while manufacturing food, and this process of manufacturing is known as . Green plants give out oxygen during photosynthesis, this oxygen is used when living things respire. The dual process makes sure that the amount of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere remains constant.
This natural cycle is affected when we, the human beings, cut down trees indiscriminately and also because of some other human activities like burning of fossil fuels, emission of fumes, etc. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increasing at a faster rate because of these reasons.
Carbon dioxide absorbs Terrestrial radiation and radiates it back to the earth. Trapping of energy by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere produces what is called
Due to this effect the temperature increases during the day. Gases like nitrous oxide, water vapour and methane in the atmosphere act like carbon dioxide and trap the sunlight leading to greenhouse effect. These gases are also known as