write about helens outdoor and indoor games
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When she was a child, Helen enjoyed hunting for guinea-fowl eggs and visiting the horse stables, corn-sheds, and the yard where the cows were milked. She relates that she often assisted in milking the cows.
During her childhood years, Helen's teacher, Miss Sullivan, instilled in Helen a love for nature. As a result of Miss Sullivan's teaching, Helen came to enjoy climbing trees and taking walks in the woods. Helen relates that she remained fascinated with nature throughout her school years.
During the autumn months, Helen enjoyed spending time with her family at their summer cottage, which was located about fourteen miles away from Tuscumbia. The cottage was situated on a mountain called Fern Quarry, its name inspired by its proximity to a limestone quarry. Helen relates how much she enjoyed exploring the mountain woods on the back of her pony, Black Beauty. Helen and her friends also explored the woods on foot, and during such times, Helen enjoyed gathering bouquets of swamp flowers, goldenrod, ferns, and laurel. She also enjoyed gathering persimmons, even though she did not eat them. At other times, Helen went nutting with her childhood friends, and they gathered hickory-nuts, walnuts, and chestnuts.
During the winter months, Helen often enjoyed rushing outdoors to feel the first snow-flakes that fell in every snow-storm. During lulls in storms, Helen relates how much she enjoyed sharing "merry tales" with her friends around a great fire. Helen relates that her favorite outdoor activity in the winter was tobogganing and that she never tired of the thrill of "Plunging through drifts, leaping hollows, [and] swooping down upon the lake..." in her toboggan.
In all, Helen greatly enjoyed spending time outdoors, regardless of the season.
When she was a child, Helen enjoyed hunting for guinea-fowl eggs and visiting the horse stables, corn-sheds, and the yard where the cows were milked. She relates that she often assisted in milking the cows.
During her childhood years, Helen's teacher, Miss Sullivan, instilled in Helen a love for nature. As a result of Miss Sullivan's teaching, Helen came to enjoy climbing trees and taking walks in the woods. Helen relates that she remained fascinated with nature throughout her school years.
During the autumn months, Helen enjoyed spending time with her family at their summer cottage, which was located about fourteen miles away from Tuscumbia. The cottage was situated on a mountain called Fern Quarry, its name inspired by its proximity to a limestone quarry. Helen relates how much she enjoyed exploring the mountain woods on the back of her pony, Black Beauty. Helen and her friends also explored the woods on foot, and during such times, Helen enjoyed gathering bouquets of swamp flowers, goldenrod, ferns, and laurel. She also enjoyed gathering persimmons, even though she did not eat them. At other times, Helen went nutting with her childhood friends, and they gathered hickory-nuts, walnuts, and chestnuts.
During the winter months, Helen often enjoyed rushing outdoors to feel the first snow-flakes that fell in every snow-storm. During lulls in storms, Helen relates how much she enjoyed sharing "merry tales" with her friends around a great fire. Helen relates that her favorite outdoor activity in the winter was tobogganing and that she never tired of the thrill of "Plunging through drifts, leaping hollows, [and] swooping down upon the lake..." in her toboggan.
In all, Helen greatly enjoyed spending time outdoors, regardless of the season.
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