write about kaultaliya
Chanakya, also called Kautilya or Vishnugupta, (flourished 300 BCE), Hindu statesman and philosopher who wrote a classic treatise on polity, Artha-shastra (“The Science of Material Gain”), a compilation of almost everything that had been written in India up to his time regarding artha (property, economics, or material success).
Chanakya, also called Kautilya or Vishnugupta, (flourished 300 BCE), Hindu statesman and philosopher who wrote a classic treatise on polity, Artha-shastra (“The Science of Material Gain”), a compilation of almost everything that had been written in India up to his time regarding artha (property, economics, or material success).
He was born into a Brahman family and received his education at Taxila (now in Pakistan). He is known to have had a knowledge of medicine and astrology, and it is believed he was familiar with elements of Greek and Persian learning introduced into India by Zoroastrians. Some authorities believe he was a Zoroastrian or at least was strongly influenced by that religion.