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Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength which can be detected by the human eye.[1] It is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum and radiation given off by stars like the sun. Animals can also see light. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics. When light hits an opaque object it forms a shadow.
Light is electromagnetic radiation that shows properties of both waves and particles. Light exists in tiny energy packets called photons. Each wave has a wavelength or frequency. The human eye sees each wavelength as a different color. Rainbows show the entire spectrum of visible light. The separate colors, moving in from the outer edges, are usually listed as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Other colors can be seen only with special cameras or instruments: Wavelengths below the frequency of red are called infrared, and higher than of violet are called ultraviolet.
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LIGHT: A FUNDAMENTAL FORCE IN OUR WORLD If asked what light is, one could say that it's one of the most basic elements of our world and our universe as we perceive it. It is through sight that we receive 90% of our information. It is through the use of telescopes aiding the naked eye that we are aware of the heavenly bodies around us. It is through light that the energy from the sun is transferred to us. The sun's energy supports the food chain; plants use it to turn water and CO2 into energy usable by other organisms. Solar energy was also used, indirectly, to produce all of the fossil fuels that we consume daily. Since light is such a basic part of our existence . Light is magical, not only that it helps us to see things around us and enjoy the beauty of nature it also helps to sustain life on earth through the process oғ photosynthesis , if there were no photosynthesis, surely there would not be life on earth.Light is composed of particles called photons, and matter is composed of particles called electrons, protons, neutrons. It's only when the mass of a particle gets small enough that its wavelike properties show up.These basic qualities of light are; INTENSITY, FORM, COLOR, DIRECTION and MOVEMENT. These are the lighting designer's tools.Some properties : The primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization, while its speed in a vacuum, 299,792,458 meters per second, is one of the fundamental constants of nature.Turning the lights off when you leave your room is necessary to help save electricity and lower your utility bills. As a homeowner, turning the lights off when you're not using them can help save money by reducing your electricity bills, extend the life of your light bulbs, and buy bulbs less often.