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Plastids: They are found in plant cell only and known as the smallest cell organelle. There are three tupes of plastids-
(1).Chloroplasts- They provide green colour to the plants so that it could make food by the process of photosynthesis.
(2).Chromoplast- They are coloured plastids.They help to attract pollination.
(3).Leucoplast - They are colourless plastids .They acts as the storage of food molecules in plant cell.
Discovery ->
✔ Haeckel discovered plastids.
Occurrence ->
✔ Only in plant cells.
Structure -
(1) Size
length 5 - 10 micro meter
breadth 2 - 4 micro meter
4 micro meter (2) Number ➡
✔ In chlolodomonas number of plastid = 1
✔ In mesophyll cells of leaf number of plastids = 20 - 40.
(3) Shape
lens shaped
discoidal shaped
Ribbon shaped
bell shaped
✔ Chloroplast
colour ➡ green
pigment ➡ chlorophyll
location ➡ leaf (green part of the plant)
✔ Chromoplast
colour ➡ colourful
pigment ➡ Caretonoid
location ➡ petals of flowers, fruits, vegetative leaf(colourful).
✔ Leucoplast
colour ➡ white
pigment ➡ no pigment
Location ➡ underground part of the plant for food storage.
Leucoplast have three types
(1) Elaioplast stores lipid
(2) Protionplast stores protein
(3) Amyloplast stores starch
Functions of Leucoplast
➡ synthesis of food
➡ provide colour
➡ storage of food