Write about Porifera, Arthropoda, and Annelida.
Question of 40 points so don't write short.
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Here is your answer..

1. These animals are with simplest body plan and are called as sponges. They bear numerous pores on their body. These pores are called as 'ostia' and 'oscula'.
2. These are aquatic animals and most of them are freshwater dwellers and marine.
3. Most of them have asymmetrical body.
4. These animals have special type of cells called as collar cells.
5. These animals are always attached to substratum hence they do not show locomotion and they are referred as sedentary animals.
6. Their spongy body is supported by spicules or spongin fibres. Spicules are made up of calcium carbonate or silica.
7. These animals reproduce by budding by sexual or asexual method. Also, they have a good ability of regeneration.
Examples .. Sycon, Hyalonema.

1. These animals have jointed appendages, hence they are called as arthropods.
2. Our planet Earth has highest number of animals from Arthropoda. Hence this is largest Phylum with highly successful animals in the animal kingdom.
3. This animals are found in all types of habitats ranging from deepest oceans to the highest mountains.
4. Body of these animals is triploblastic, eucoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical and segmented.
5. These animals are unisexual.
Examples.. Crab, Spider, Butterfly, Honey bee.

1. Body of these animals is long,cylindrical and metanerically segmented.
2. Most of the animals are free living , but few are ectoparasites. Free living animals maybe marine or freshwater dwellers or terrestrial.
3. These animals are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and eucoelomate.
4. Their body is covered with special cuticle.
5. These animals are either hermaphrodite or unisexual.
6. Examples.. Earthworm, Leech.
This is the answer.
I hope it helps you.
Here is your answer..
1. These animals are with simplest body plan and are called as sponges. They bear numerous pores on their body. These pores are called as 'ostia' and 'oscula'.
2. These are aquatic animals and most of them are freshwater dwellers and marine.
3. Most of them have asymmetrical body.
4. These animals have special type of cells called as collar cells.
5. These animals are always attached to substratum hence they do not show locomotion and they are referred as sedentary animals.
6. Their spongy body is supported by spicules or spongin fibres. Spicules are made up of calcium carbonate or silica.
7. These animals reproduce by budding by sexual or asexual method. Also, they have a good ability of regeneration.
Examples .. Sycon, Hyalonema.
1. These animals have jointed appendages, hence they are called as arthropods.
2. Our planet Earth has highest number of animals from Arthropoda. Hence this is largest Phylum with highly successful animals in the animal kingdom.
3. This animals are found in all types of habitats ranging from deepest oceans to the highest mountains.
4. Body of these animals is triploblastic, eucoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical and segmented.
5. These animals are unisexual.
Examples.. Crab, Spider, Butterfly, Honey bee.
1. Body of these animals is long,cylindrical and metanerically segmented.
2. Most of the animals are free living , but few are ectoparasites. Free living animals maybe marine or freshwater dwellers or terrestrial.
3. These animals are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and eucoelomate.
4. Their body is covered with special cuticle.
5. These animals are either hermaphrodite or unisexual.
6. Examples.. Earthworm, Leech.
This is the answer.
I hope it helps you.
Answered by
→ They have cellular level of organisation. They don't form tissues. Cells cooperate with each other and performs various functions in organisms.
→ The sponges with cylindrical shape have radial symmetry and others are asymmetrical. They are diploblastic animals.
a) Radial Symmetry :- Body can be divided into two equal halves passing through tje center from top to bottom.
b) Diploblastic animals :- In which two layers are present namely, ectoderm and endoderm.
→ Digestion is intracellular.
→ Segmentations are absent.
→ Cleavage is determinate.
→ Ex :- Sponges, spongilla etc.
→ They have organ level of organization.
→ Bilateral and triploblastic animals.
a) Bilatera :- The body can be divided into two similar halves by a single plane.
b) Triploblastic :- In which three layers namely, endoderm, ectoderm an mesoderm.
→ In complete digestive tract.
→ Respire through body surface, trachea and gills.
→ Segmentation are present.
→ Cleavage I determinate.
→ Ex :- crabs, spiders, insects etc.
→ They have organ level of organization.
→ Bilateral symmetry and Triploblastic animals.
→ Digestive tract is complete.
→ Respiratory tract absent. Respire through skin.
→ The body is divided into segments by ring grooves, the annuli.
→ Cleavage is determinate.
→ Ex :- Earthworm, leechs etc.
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