write about the coloring commands in logo
plz answer me fast
Logo - Color
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Computer screens work with red, green and blue components of light, so they are sometimes called RGB screens.
On Logo's Set menu, we can set the color of three screen elements −
The turtle's pen
The turtle's fill (like a paint bucket for enclosures)
The screen background
Pen Color
We set a color by moving these three sliders left and right. Remember that black is the absence of all color and white is all colors together. Mixing light isn't like mixing paint. As an example, if you mix red and green paint, you get a muddy color. Since this is a computer, every color has an internal numeric representation.
On the left end of the sliding scale is zero (0). On the right end is 255, which is kind of like 99 to a computer (It's 28 - 1). Thus black is [0 0 0], red is [255 0 0], green is [0 255 0], blue is [0 0 255]. You can make anything in between these colors, and in all these, there are 256 * 256 * 256 possible colors. That's 28 * 28 * 28, or 24-bits of color — 24-binary digits inside the ma