write about the conflict of northan ireland
Northern Ireland conflict. The conflict in Northern Ireland, which has killed thousands, has political and religious roots that are centuries old. ... Others, particularly the mainly Catholic Nationalist community, believe it should leave the UK and become part of the Republic of IrelandThe British government's position is that its forces were neutral in the conflict, trying to uphold law and order in Northern Ireland and the right of the people of Northern Ireland to democratic self-determination. Nationalists regard the state forces as forces of occupation or partisan combatants in the conflict.The Northern Ireland conflict was a thirty year bout of political violence, low intensity armedconflict and political deadlock within the sixnorth-eastern counties of Ireland that formed part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The Troubles, also called Northern Ireland conflict, violent sectarian conflict from about 1968 to 1998 in Northern Ireland between the overwhelmingly Protestant unionists (loyalists), who desired the province to remain part of the United Kingdom, and the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic nationalists (republicans), who ..